Support for removals, brokerage and move management in UK, France, Europe and worldwide

We have much to win in working together !


Let's share our local resources, our methods, our skills and knowledge


Let's work together, let's work in a fruitful way


Spot requests and needs

Pre-move survey

We run pre-move surveys at your clients homes and send you a written report with photos and the necessary technical information for the furture move.

We speak French, English and Spanish



You need help for a quick unloading of your truck, need a shuttle van for a diffucult access job?

A big sofa doesn't go through the lift or staircase and need an external lift or a crane?

We will arrange all type of destination services you need.


Shipment delivery / packing (origin service / destination service)

We can deliver your shipments to clients in Monaco and French Riviera as well as pack it for you so your road trains save time and your drivers remain fresh for other jobs on the road. Ideal if client's residence is not ready yet or if last minute changes mess up your schedule.

We can also pack / unload to / from sea shipping containers.


Customs Clearances and Customs procedures

We can carry out all type of clearance of T1, T2, TIR carnet for road shipment, as well as customs clearance for sea shipping, both export and import. We can as well carry on your name other discussions with Customs to regularize imported goods status, assist with temporary import...



Specially useful for our European fellow moving companies, we can arrange parking suspension for your moving trucks, on the French Riviera, Monaco and all France.



One of your clients returns home and you need boxes delivered to his home so he can prepare his shipment?

We will arrange boxes delivered in all France.


It's for my daughter !

A good client of yours ask a piece of furniture delivered in a place where you rarely send your trucks? We will find and organize this odd transport. 

Long term relationship

You are a good moving or transport company and enjoy a good fame?

Your clients ask for other services which you are not familiar with, such as artworks packing or moves to another country? You would like to be able to serve them with confidence it will be a success?


We offer to combine our skills: locally you will do the packing loading part and we will take care of the parts you are not familiar with. We have the methods and can supply the packing materials you miss.

We can either work on your name or contract separately with client the part you are not familiar with


Nationwide and European moves

Our partner will collect at client's house or at your warehouse


International road move

We will prepare the customs file with your client and our partner will collect at client's house or at your warehouse


International air move

You pack according our instructions. We prepare the customs file with your client and our partner will collect at your warehouse


International sea move

We will order the sea shipping container for you and will organise road transport to the departure port (from most countries in the world), export customs clearance, sea shipping, import customs clearance in destination country and delivery at your client's new home anywhere in the world.


Pet transport 

Put us in contact with your client and we will organize the pet transport from / to most countries


Wine transport as part of a house move 

Put us in contact with your client and we will organize the transfer of his wine collection to his new place of residence


Vehicle transport

We will organize your client's vehicle transfer or transport, by  sea, air or road to his new place


Fine Art and collectibles transport

We will list together with your client the items requiring specialist attention and with organize packing ant transport



Contact [at]


540, 1ère avenue

06600   ANTIBES


 +33 4 83 15 65 95

+33 7 63 44 66 83



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